History of Synthetic Fibers Production

Arj Gostar Pooya


History of Synthetic Fibers Production

History of production of synthetic fibers

Natural fibers have been around humans since prehistoric times. In 1880, a Frenchman named Chardont succeeded in imitating silkworms to produce artificial silk from the kernel of a mulberry tree. These fibers were called rayon. Of course, the rayon was not real silk, but it had the shape of a natural silk. This triggered the production of natural cellulose fibers such as rayon and acetate. Then, in the mid-1920s, synthetic fibers emerged. The discovery of the compression polymerization process by carrots led to the production of a variety of polymers, including polyamids, polyesters, and polyurethanes. The modern age of man-made fibers seems to have begun with the discovery of nylon in the 1930s. The Dupont plant began producing nylon fiber in 1939, which can be considered as the beginning of the production of synthetic fibers. After World War II, a number of other synthetic fibers such as acrylic, polyester, and… were discovered, and advances in the development of synthetic fibers resumed.

At present, synthetic fibers in the world are growing year by year compared to natural fibers. The diagram below clearly shows this.

The growing trend of synthetic fibers from 1970 to 2013

Synthetic fibers are called man-made fibers.

The product of single production fibers, polyester fibers, are part of the types of synthetic fibers and now polyester fibers are of special importance among other synthetic fibers and constitute about 68% of the total synthetic fibers used in the textile industry. . The following diagram illustrates the production and segmentation of polyester fibers.


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